
From top to bottom (2NE1, Super Junior, SHINee, Girls Generation)
Korean popular music, called “K-pop,” has an increasing fan base among teenagers and young adults not only throughout the Asia but also in Europe, South America and North America. While neighboring countries quickly picked up on the charms of K-pop through conventional channels, its recent spread in Europe and the Americans has come in part through social media such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
YTN reported on February 17 that Korean songs have become more popular at  German karaoke venues, including songs by Kara, the WonderGirls, 2PM and other K-pop groups. The report included footage of Germans using their smart phones to read English lyrics as they sang a 2PM song. According to YTN, many fans are extremely enthusiastic about K-pop, with some going to great lengths to acquire posters, pictures, and related merchandise for their favorite bands.
Italy’s state-run URI television network ran a program on Korean idol groups, including Super Junior, Girls’ Generation, 2NE1 and SHINee. The program included music videos from the groups themselves, along with Italian fan recordings and interviews with young people who found the distinctive styles of the Korean groups fascinating.
In Mexico, the internet has proved an important way for fans to follow their favorite K-pop groups. There are at least 20 fan clubs and thousands of fans across Mexico. The first Korean drama in Mexico was broadcast in 2002, sparking interest in Korean dramas, films and music. According to a Yonhap News report on February 20, even the most remote parts of Mexico have K-pop fans and fan organizations.
In South America, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Chile said that there are 50 fan groups devoted just to Super Junior and Girls’ Generation, and that Korean idol groups and K-pop have found great popularity in the country.
Argentina also boasts a considerable K-pop fan base. Last year, a special K-pop contest drew participants from across the continent.
Korean dramas and music have also made significant inroads, thanks to the internet, drawing viewers across South America. Spanish-language websites( feature translations of dramas and music videos from across Asia.
The popularity of K-pop overseas has broader benefits than just increasing album sales.  The booming popularity of Korean popular music and dramas has stirred interest in Korean culture in general.
A Chile-based Korean language school reported that even without advertising, their classes are often full.
Many of the students reported that their initial interest in Korea was sparked by K-pop, which lead to their enrollment in Korean language classes and plans to study abroad in Korea.

Credits: Oh Jun Kyung @
Shared by Lunaelf @

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