On 110112, Wednesday, I met ilovejr/@sherzzz and we headed over to the Chungmu Art Hall near the famous Dong Dae Mun. We reached only less than half an hour to 8pm so we didn’t linger around outside for long.
We saw all these congratulatory stands with sacks of rice and guess who has the most? XD As usual, it is our very dear Kyuhyun~! Every corner is lined with all these stands and I think about half is for Kyuhyun.
Apparently its a believe in Korea that rice signifies good luck so fans always sent in lots of rice to wish Kyuhyun good luck!

Awhile after entering the hall, we saw the girls in the rows in front started to turn their heads and looked behind so we followed their gaze and after awhile we spotted SHINee’s Jonghyun a few rows behind us at the other section. There was someone beside him too but he stooped really low so we couldn’t really see him. It was after a while that I saw spot the hair and finally recognised the person beside Jonghyun as Ryeowook. We did see his tweet before entering that he was gonna watch the musical, but since he already watched the 4pm show on that day, we weren’t sure if he was gonna watch 8pm show, but turns out he did. (: Kyuwook love <3 Oh btw SNSD’s Jessica was sitting in front of Jonghyun but we didn’t recognised her until ilovejr saw her in the toilet. HAHA.
I have to admit that prior to the musical, I had no idea whatsoever the musical was about, pardon my lack of literature knowledge and all I knew was that Kyuhyun was called, D’artagnan. I didn’t know he was suppose to be the lead of the whole musical until the end of the show I asked ilovejr and she told me yes he is the lead. Haha. I only understood bits and pieces of what they spoke, doesn’t help that they only had Japanese subs at the side (not fair) but thank goodness, picture speaks a thousand words, so I was still able to understand the story.
Kyuhyun first appeared as the enthusiastic musketeer-wannabe at his father grave. His father was also a musketeer so he wanted to be like him. And so, D’artagnan went to Paris. Inside the musical, he is a carefree, sort-of careless, cheeky and fun guy from the countryside where everything in the urban Paris amazed him. I was rather impressed with Kyuhyun’s acting because the character isn’t exactly like Kyu at all. And of course, I was also impressed with his singing. Afterall, singing ballads and singing musical is not the same, so I cannot deny that I was a little worried about his singing in the musical prior to it.
Along the way he met Constance and fell straight away in love with her. You can hear all the fangirls AHHHH~ and AWWWW-ing whenever he has any intimate scenes with Constance. I was kind of not wanting to look at it when he was lying on her lap. LOL. Constance for that day was Dana of CSJH. Sad thing about that was, I’ve never quite like Dana’s voice, even back when CSJH was still around. Her voice is too shrilly for my liking. But nevertheless, she looked really pretty as Constance.
Anyway, somehow he got to meet with The Three Musketeers, Athos, Porthos and Amaris, and they challenged him to a duel. Then the bad guys came out and the three musketeers and D’artagnan fought them off together. Anyway, after that, there was this part which is mainly of ad-libs, no script for that part, which is the part where the three musketeers are putting D’artagnan through a test before accepting him as one of them. As part of the test, Kyu’artagnan had to walk 8 steps down (to row 8 ) and kiss the person on the aisle seat, which sent everyone into a fury of whines again. I can’t remember if the fishing part was the same scene but anyway when he dropped the fishing line that had a rose tied to it, he playfully pulled it up and down and then you see the fans trying to grab it like a little kittens trying to grab its fish on a thread. It was really funny. Then Kyuhyun held his fishing rod there because the fans were suppose to tie some gifts for him to fish up and the fans took a bit long so Porthos “swam” down and grabbed everything up. LOL.
There was also this part that Kyuhyun/D’artagnan had to do a little dance and on that day he did Hoot and Ring Ding Dong! LOL THIS BOY. Probably because Jonghyun and Jessica were there too. Nearing to the end of the show, while we were all putting all our attention on the stage, the spot light suddenly shone to the right of my row and to my surprise Kyu’artagnan was standing there!! And I took the chance to take a good look of him! (:
I won’t talk much about the rest of the show because Kyu’artagnan appeared most of the time with the others so nothing in particular happened. Overall, I was very pleased with the performance of Kyuhyun’s considering it was his first musical, but probably because it was already one of his later shows and he was already familiar with D’artagnan, I felt that he was actually like D’artagnan, rather than being Kyuhyun, which showed that he did a good job. Vocals wise, I have to say Kyuhyun once again surpassed himself because he did a great job, not at all shy of the rest of the more senior musical actors. The musical, overall, was quite interesting, light-hearted, I really didn’t need to understand what they were saying to understand the show. It was also enjoyable, I remembered laughing at various things even in scenes without Kyuhyun. The stage wasn’t big though, and unlike what Nickestiara felt, I didn’t really feel like it was a large scale production (LOL SORRY Nickestiara). The props were quite simple, and some I felt was rather lame, especially when one actor came out with the centaur costume and had those mini clothing racks rods and wheels at the back as the legs. I was quite D: by it. That was the only thing that made me felt like my 120k won wasn’t worth it but other than that, I would say that the story, music, cast were all great. (:
When it was time for curtain call, everyone stood up to clap and mainly, to take pictures/videos of them (mainly Kyuhyun haha). Kyuhyun was really cute, running out, pretending to trip over, and standing up and doing a total 90 degree bow! And he kept hugging his hyungs and nunas from the cast! Seems like all the seniors lovesssss him
After the show, we were about to leave when we saw some people waiting at the first floor, so we decided to wait too. Turns out just behind the wall it was the door to the backstage room, and we managed to see a few people leave, including Sung Shi Kyung, that was how we found that he actually came to the show, but no idea where he sat. And LOL when he just walked out I thought he was Bae Yong Jun XD. OOOPS. After that we saw Kim Sang Hyun, who acted as Jussac, the bad guy, in the musical. But he was actually very nice and stopped and gave some autographs. ilovejr got his autograph on the 19th show. We also saw Kim Jin Su, who acted as Porthos and when he walked out everyone waiting there clapped out of politeness. That was quite funny. HAHA. But sadly, shortly after Mr. Porthos left, the security guard came out and said that they had left. Everyone kept asking is it for real and the ajusshi had to keep telling them they really left already. ): Such a pity, we waited there for quite long.
Little event from the night: During the mid time interval, when most people were walking out for toilet breaks, I left too with ilovejr and took the chance to catch a glimpse of Ryeowook and Jonghyun. Someone went up to Ryeowook for an autograph but I think she got chased away by the manager. Ryeowook happened to leave his seat right after I walked passed his row and so for quite awhile until we reached the outside he was walking directly behind me. XD Once outside he and Jjong was brought to the other side of the hall (probably to the private resting area) so I tailed them a little then Jjong walked to the male washroom so I tailed him again this time since I was walking towards the washroom too. LOL. But of course I didn’t follow right behind them, I was careful to leave a bit of distance from them.

Account and Photos by sohyz
Pictures Reupoladed and Shared by Bei @
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